Western Cape Property Development Forum (WCPDF)

With huge thanks to all our speakers, panellists, delegates, exhibitors and sponsors.

We hope to see you all back for our 2024 event!

The 10th Annual Conference of the Western Cape Property Development Forum has been another roaring success.

Under the theme of “Western Cape Investment: People, Purpose, Pro{s}per{i}ty”, our 2023 event held on 8-9 June at the CTICC, saw over 360 participants from the private and public sector come together to understand what “Product Western Cape” represents within our collective Property & Infrastructure Development and Construction industry The conference acknowledged many achievements; set goals for the year ahead; and identified the key opportunities and innovations that will strengthen our economy. For a synopsis of the event, please see our official conference booklet here.

With a strong Management Committee of volunteers in place for the year ahead, the WCPDF looks forward to growing collaboration across the various municipalities and private entities that participated in our 2023 conference, so that we can provide the same level of feedback at our 2024 event – and report back on progress –  that we saw at this year’s event.

A huge thanks, in particular, to our 2023 conference partner SBS Conferences & Exhibitions as well as those who came forward as sponsors for the Conference. We also thank the patrons who have assisted our admin work and sponsored our popular Members-only events held over the past year:

To see who was at our 2023 event, see the gallery below. Should you wish to receive a high-res version of any image, please email Carola Koblitz (media@wcpdf.org.za) with the image number (eg: Day 2-0247). Please note  any images to be used for publication on any media platform will require that the WCPDF is credited as having provided the image.